I was thinking one of the best things about Xmas when I was my chubby little self was Advent Calendars, basically an excuse to have chocolate for breakfast.
But I’m all grown up now, so I thought as a way to get back at some real paint practice (I rely on this blasted machine far too much) I would do my own kind of Monster advent calendar thing (I’m sooo grown up: P). The gist is pretty simple I get to doodle and paint a strange looking thingy every day till the months up...more a personal test and eventual reward then the simple eating of chocolate but its still a good plan.
So new monster post every day and let me know what you think as I am really out of practice with my acrylic work, I am still multi tasking with other stuff also, so if i get these up late it should not be more than a day out if at all.
I got thinking about how the living pay tribute to the dead on the day of the day of the dead but what might the dead do.
So here is a few spirits and demon-kind paying tribute to their goddess unfortunately the little one up front of the line has miss understood the idea of paying tribute....
Sorry little fella sacrifice is not really necessary....poor guy, no pleasing some women.
The Luminus Entity is a creature considered to be a spirit of light energy, it is a very docile being in comparison to most energy related demons, it is very rarely visible as in the conscious world light is electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength falls within the range to which the human retina responds.The creature is misunderstood to be leaching off of light when in fact it is made of light energy and gives it and colour to all around it. It has a very keen interest in vibrant emotions and therefore individuals whose personality is considered colourful.These being are often found (when ever so slightly visible) wondering Art gallery's as they attempt to imitate a human form. they are more comfortable in a form relative to that of a Deer or at times other four legged animals. Hunters have been found to give off topic comments about thinking to have seen a Deer made of colours out of the corner of the eye and many road accidents are caused by the interest these creatures suddenly show in car headlights.