These are some old pieces I thought i had lost to my forgetfulness while cleaning away old junk file seems they were just hiding in the jungle of computer files for reference and art stuffs. Above is an obvious old Helboy pic and the lower one is a Jekyll and Hyde doodle.
Drawing some odd women and did this in with some ideas Im having on hillbilly like mutants.
Being in a bit of a creative limbo of confidence in my skills and head vs wall games I found myself doodling some wee bits of mainstream characters and so got to doing this Digital painted pic of Ghost Rider on Photoshop. I don't tend to draw other peoples well known Mainstream stuff much (not as much as when I was a little Hellboy T-shirt wearing fanboy of yesteryear anyway) always prefer my own attempts at originality but I may do some more returning to the odd mainstream, as it is good fun and good for a challenging bit of practice at least.